
Surviving the Pandemic

We’ve all seen the image countless times by now: a sphere with tiny arms sticking out like bristles. Illustrations of the Covid-19 virus are strikingly similar to World War II naval mines that floated just below the water surface. If a passing ship hit one, the mine exploded and the ship sank.  That’s an appropriate metaphor for the Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to over 120,000 deaths in the United States and nearly sunk the nation’s economy. A policy of social distancing, forced closures of high-risk businesses and stay-at-home orders has flipped the economy into the worst freefall since the…

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Jack Milligan


Jack Milligan is editor-at-large of Bank Director magazine, a position to which he brings over 40 years of experience in financial journalism organizations. Mr. Milligan directs Bank Director’s editorial coverage and leads its director training efforts. He has a master’s degree in Journalism from The Ohio State University.

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