While some experts have pronounced that banks must be $1 billion dollars in assets to survive, many smaller community banks are thriving. During this video, the presenters will explore case studies of successful community banks who have established strategies for growth, capital maintenance, profitability and other critical strategic initiatives.
Video Length: 60 minutes
Case Studies Highlighted:
- Troubled Bank Acquisition [11:06]
- Balanced Growth and Profitability [17:12]
- Growth Strategy [23:18]
- Capital Raise [29:32]
- Sale Strategy [34:34]
- Deleverage Strategy [41:25]
About The Presenters
Craig J. Mancinotti is a managing director & principal of Austin Associates LLC and co-manages the firm’s investment banking and strategic consulting divisions. He coordinates client projects involving the purchase and sale of banks, branch transactions, fairness opinions, stock valuations, strategic planning and regulatory consulting, among other specialized services
Richard F. Maroney, Jr. is a managing director & principal of Austin Associates LLC and co-manages the firm’s investment banking and strategic consulting divisions. He coordinates client projects involving the purchase and sale of banks, branch transactions, fairness opinions, stock valuations, strategic planning and regulatory consulting, among other specialized services.
C. Robert Monroe is the chairman of Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP‘s Financial Services Division and serves as counsel to well over 150 financial institutions. He has significant experience in matters involving bank and bank holding company mergers and formations, branch acquisitions, conversion to S-Corporations, negotiating regulatory orders, bank examination issues, prompt corrective actions, reorganizations, succession planning, representing buyers of failed banks, interstate banking issues, director and officer liability issues, lender liability issues, and capital issues.
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