Workshop Agenda
Bank Director’s Editor-at-Large developed the curriculum for the Bank Director Certification Program and the Bank Director Workshop. Participants receive training materials and a syllabus to support the onsite learning activities during this in-person course.
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Registration + Breakfast
9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Jack Milligan, Editor-at-Large, Bank Director
Bank Director’s Editor-at-Large, Jack Milligan, sets the tone and leads the sessions for the Bank Director Certification Workshop. The curriculum materials are introduced and distributed to ensure an engaging learning environment for the day’s sessions.
9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Experiences of Being A Board Member
Jim McAlpin, Board Member, Bank Director
To kick off Bank Director’s Certification Workshop, Jim discusses his vast experiences as an attorney serving in many bank board rooms, as well as serving on two bank boards currently. He will also set the stage for why director certification is important.
9:25 AM – 10:05 AM
The Attributes of a Strong Board Culture
Jack Milligan, Editor-at-Large, Bank Director
This session dives into the attributes that define a strong governance culture which includes independence, transparency, accountability, diversity and alignment around a common set of objectives.
10:05 AM – 10:45 AM
Role of the Board
Jack Milligan, Editor-at-Large, Bank Director
Strong and engaged boards are instrumental in their bank’s success. During this session, we cover the following topics: CEO succession planning, monitoring the bank’s financial performance, risk governance (including cybersecurity and the adoption of sound governance practices) and the differing roles of management and the board.
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Refreshment Break
11:00 AM – 11:40 AM
Jack Milligan, Editor-at-Large, Bank Director
Banking is a highly regulated industry, and it’s crucial that directors understand the expectation that state and federal banking regulators have for boards of directors. Topics covered during this part of the Workshop agenda include an overview of the dual banking system, some of the most important regulations and a strategy for proactively managing the regulatory relationship.
11:40 AM – 12:45 PM
Workshop Lunch
Meet your peers during the networking lunch.
12:45 PM – 1:25 PM
Role of the Independent Director
Jack Milligan, Editor-at-Large, Bank Director
Each individual director brings qualities to the board that impact its governance effectiveness. These characteristics include personal integrity, the ability to exercise sound judgment, intellectual curiosity, valuable knowledge or skill sets, the ability to work well with others and a commitment to ongoing training and education. As we begin the second portion of the Workshop, we dive into these characteristics and discuss your role as a bank director.
1:25 PM – 2:05 PM
Evaluating Board & Director Performance
Emily McCormick, Vice President of Editorial & Research, Bank Director
How does the board hold itself and each individual director accountable for the quality of their engagement? During this portion of the agenda, we discuss the importance of board evaluations, board composition and director refreshment, skills matrices, setting performance expectations for directors, board and individual director surveys – and how to use the results.
2:05 PM – 2:20 PM
Refreshment Break
2:20 PM – 3:00 PM
The Board Governance Process
Emily McCormick, Vice President of Editorial & Research, Bank Director
An important aspect of effective governance is the adoption of best practices in such areas as meeting agendas, minutes, board packets, executive sessions and committee structure. This session dives into these processes.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Peer Collaboration
We conclude the day with a session that allows small groups to come together and discuss what they learned today and share experiences with each other. The Workshop leaders will move from group to group to answer any questions.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Networking Peer + Guest Reception
To cap off the day, we invite all participants – and their guests – to join us for refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres.