5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcoming Reception & Registration
Sponsored by: Tennessee Bankers Association
We welcome all registered participants to a kick-off reception at the JW Marriott Nashville.
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Breakfast & Registration
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Welcome: Defining Your Moment
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director
Henry David Thoreau remarked, “it’s not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see.” Now, as we gather in Bank Director’s hometown of Nashville, TN, we raise the curtain on our first Bank Director conference of 2021. We start by acknowledging the challenges staring many of us in the face – in order to answer them in the weeks and months to come.
8:15 AM – 8:45 AM
A Top Ten List for Officers & Directors
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Curtis Carpenter, Senior Managing Director, Hovde Group, LLC
This session provides a high-level overview of the major trends a bank’s board should know about the state of banking right now. In no particular order, they include: (1) investor trends, (2) M&A activity, (3) fintech disruption, (4) the current compliance challenge, (5) the upcoming regulatory change, (6) competitive landscape, (7) where are we in the credit cycle and where we are headed, (8) NIM outlook, (9) market values and (10) a hot topic of the moment.
8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
The Promise of Technology: Rebooted
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director
Jonathan Rowe, Chief Marketing Officer, nCino
Three words – culture, urgency and differentiation – anchor this morning’s conversation. We unpack each concept, as it relates to banking, to demystify the promise of banking technology. We do so to help all in attendance understand where we are, and where we might be heading, as an industry vis-a-vis the promise of innovation.
9:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Building Blocks of Better Boards
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Jim McAlpin, Partner, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
A diversity of skills, experience and attitude constitutes a strong board – which reflects a set of enlightened governance policies and procedures that center on honesty, personal integrity and accountability. This session focuses on best practices that every board member should follow in order to maximize their time and contributions to their colleagues, constituents and shareholders.
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
Extending A Franchise’s Value
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Dan Flaherty, Managing Director, Investment Banking, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Matt Veneri, Head of Investment Banking, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Moderated by: Naomi Snyder, Editor-in-Chief, Bank Director
There are a variety of ways a bank can grow, be it through acquisitions, de novo expansion, product-line growth (i.e., commercial loan production offices), using a lift-out strategy or pursuing a broader digital platform. Each strategy presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. This session covers the risks and rewards of different approaches to growth and looks at successful banks that have pursued different paths.
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Refreshment Break
10:30 AM – 11:20 AM
Exclusive CEO, Chair & Lead Director Peer Exchange: Session I
During the peer exchange sessions, CEOs, chairs and lead directors candidly discuss a variety of topics in a private, off-the-record setting. By the end of the conference, each registered attendee will have had the opportunity to participate in all five of the topic exchanges listed below:
Organic Growth and M&A Issues
Advised by: Kirk Hovde, Managing Principal & Head of Investment Banking, Hovde Group, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Are you considering a merger or an acquisition? How has the pandemic and current economic environment affected your consideration?
- What is your view on bank valuations in your market, and how is that likely to impact your behavior as a potential buyer or seller?
- Have you discussed a possible acquisition with your primary regulator? If so, what was their reaction?
- How is your bank viewing big bank competitors in your area, and what impact do they have on your bank? How is your bank positioning itself to respond/prepare?
- How is your bank dealing with other competitors – even non-bank competitors – and how has this impacted your strategy for growth?
Compensation & Talent Issues
Advised by: Dan Kaufman, Lead Consultant, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What are the top compensation-type issues you have faced this year?
- Has the work environment for your staff changed in the past year, and do you anticipate remote working by any of your bank’s staff in the future? How is that affecting your bank’s culture?
- How often do you benchmark board pay?
- What are your talent challenges, and what are you doing to deal with these challenges?
- How are directors at your bank compensated? What compensation components do you use, and how are they paid?
Legal & Governance Issues
Advised by: Christopher Allen, Partner, Arnold & Porter
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Rank the top three regulatory compliance challenges facing your bank. How are management and the board addressing these challenges?
- How does the board incorporate regulatory compliance into the institution’s business model?
- How does the board monitor management’s progress in responding to regulatory changes?
- Who has the ultimate responsibility for strategy at your bank? What is the role of management in setting strategy? What is the role of the board in setting strategy?
- What communication occurs between the board and all stakeholders with regard to the ongoing performance of the bank and its strategic direction?
Audit & Risk Issues
Advised by: Jennifer Burke, Partner, Crowe LLP and Sal Inserra, Partner, Crowe LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What is the biggest risk your bank is currently facing, and how are you dealing with this risk?
- What role should the audit committee/risk committee play in setting the risk appetite for the institution?
- What role should risk governance play in strategic planning?
- What staffing and resources are devoted to regulatory compliance?
- Are you currently working with or considering working with any regtech companies? If so, who and why did you choose that company?
Innovation & Technology – Challenges & Opportunities
Advised by: Heather Cozart, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What is your bank doing to improve the overall customer experience through technology?
- Has your bank hired a Chief Information Security Officer? If so, who does that person report to, and how frequently do they interact with the board?
- Who do you primarily rely upon to stay informed about technology trends related to the financial services industry?
- Do you feel that your board has a sufficient level of expertise regarding technology?
- Who is responsible for innovation at your bank? Does your bank have a culture of innovation?
10:30 AM – 11:10 AM
Breakout Sessions (select one)
For Board Members Only
Breakout I: Moving the Compensation Committee to the New Era
Daniel Rodda, Partner, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Historically, the role of the compensation committee has primarily focused on providing oversight of executive compensation programs. In recent years, however, the committee’s role has expanded to include oversight of additional areas such as broader incentive plans, succession planning, diversity and inclusion, pay equity, talent and culture. This session discusses how compensation committees are evolving and provides tips for how directors can provide effective oversight of both traditional compensation topics and these broader human capital areas. This session also includes guidance on governance best practices and sample committee calendars.
Breakout II: Support Your Community’s Small Business Funding Needs
Gail McDaniel, Senior Loan Specialist, Velocity Solutions, LLC
Post-pandemic, small businesses remain in direct need of financial support to ensure long-term survival. Many banks have struggled to deliver small business loans quickly, conveniently and profitably. Small business owners would prefer to secure financing from you, their local community bank, and we discuss how digital technology and partnering with a fintech can make this a reality.
Breakout III: Bank Strategy in a Post-Pandemic World
Kamal Mustafa, Chairman, Invictus Group
As the economy continues to transition away from the pandemic, banks must recognize they are entering an environment that is entirely unprecedented. Interest rates are once again at historic lows, structural changes to the economy are occurring and both leverage and asset prices across all sectors have reached historic highs. Community banks must look inward at their own banks, while also designing and evaluating innovative strategies to optimize their performance in this new world. This session focuses on digging deeper into these concepts and includes strong recommendations on analytical techniques and strategies that banks should consider as we move forward.
11:20 AM – 12:00 PM
Breakout Sessions (select one)
For Board Members Only
Breakout I: ESG Roadmap: Requirements, Best Practices and Trends
Greg Parisi, Partner, Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP
Annette Michelle (Shelli) Willis, Partner, Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP
Bank regulators, the SEC and even certain bank customers are increasingly focused on ESG disclosures and risk management. During this session we discuss the requirements, best practices and trends every director should be aware of.
Breakout II: Business Continuity Resiliency Planning for the Board
Sundeep Bablani, Director of IT Audit, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Susan Sabo, Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Most boards are not prepared for a crisis, yet a business continuity event (a hurricane or cyberattack) can strike your bank all too quickly. This session delves into the questions directors should be asking to strengthen policies and procedures in place at their bank. Directors will leave this session with ideas to increase resilience and understand business risks that affect profitability and operational continuity.
Breakout III: Audit Best Practices
Sarah Saunders, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Jon Tomberlin, Managing Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
This session reviews the latest information on best practices related to the audit oversight function.
11:30 AM – 12:10 PM
Exclusive CEO, Chair & Lead Director Peer Exchange: Session II
CEOs, chairs and lead directors attend the second round of peer exchange sessions facilitated by industry leaders. By the end of the conference, each peer group will have had the opportunity to participate in all five of the topic exchanges listed below:
Innovation & Technology – Challenges & Opportunities
Advised by: Heather Cozart, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Do you feel that your board has a sufficient level of expertise regarding technology?
- Who is responsible for innovation at your bank? Does your bank have a culture
of innovation? - Who is responsible for innovation at your bank?
Organic Growth and M&A Issues
Advised by: Kirk Hovde, Managing Principal & Head of Investment Banking, Hovde Group, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- How is your bank viewing big bank competitors in your area, and what impact do they have on
your bank? How is your bank positioning itself to respond/prepare? - How is your bank dealing with other competitors – even non-bank competitors – and how has
this impacted your strategy for growth? - If you are a buyer, is there a minimum asset size you look for when identifying targets? Are
there specific qualities you look for in a target today when identifying acquisition opportunities?
Compensation & Talent Issues
Advised by: Dan Kaufman, Lead Consultant, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Do you have an emergency succession plan in place in the event of a sudden departure of your
CEO or other members of your executive team? - What are your talent challenges, and what are you doing to deal with these challenges?
- How are directors at your bank compensated? What compensation components do you use, and
how are they paid? - What kind of training/development programs do you offer for leadership?
Legal & Governance Issues
Advised by: Christopher Allen, Partner, Arnold & Porter
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Who has the ultimate responsibility for strategy at your bank? What is the role of management
in setting strategy? What is the role of the board in setting strategy? - What communication occurs between the board and all stakeholders with regard to the ongoing
performance of the bank and its strategic direction? - Is there a policy in place at the board level to ensure consistency of process in exploring
or responding to overtures for a possible merger?
Audit & Risk Issues
Advised by: Jennifer Burke, Partner, Crowe LLP and Sal Inserra, Partner, Crowe LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What staffing and resources are devoted to regulatory compliance?
- Are you currently working with or considering working with any regtech companies?
If so, who and why did you choose that company? - How often does the risk committee meet with examiners?
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Networking Lunch
1:15 PM – 1:30 PM
Welcome Back: 363 Days
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
While we spend several days discussing and debating key concepts in person, Bank Director and FinXTech help a bank’s senior-most leadership team to navigate this complex industry on an annual basis. While we can’t be together for all 365 days in a calendar year, we tease out of our annual conversations and research issues and ideas all boards will benefit from.
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Findings From Bank Director’s Governance Best Practices Survey
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Jim McAlpin, Partner, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Emily McCormick, Vice President of Research, Bank Director
Bank Director and Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP conducted this year’s Governance Best Practices Survey. Hear the most significant findings from the Survey and what you can learn from those who participated.
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Cybersecurity and IT Internal Controls
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Jeffrey Palgon, Partner, Crowe LLP
The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving. From ransomware and data leakage to vulnerabilities introduced through third-party software such as SolarWinds, there are many technology threats confronting banks right now. This session offers ideas on how to audit cyber and IT controls to effectively mitigate the risk and impact of a breach.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Bank M&A Pricing
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Christopher Olsen, Managing Partner, Olsen Palmer LLP
Amidst accelerating M&A activity, this session explores deal pricing including where valuations have been, where pricing currently stands and what the future may hold. The session also addresses which factors add to and detract from a bank’s sale value.
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Refreshment Break
3:15 PM – 3:55 PM
Exclusive CEO, Chair & Lead Director Peer Exchange: Session III
CEOs, chairs and lead directors attend the third round of peer exchange sessions facilitated by industry leaders. By the end of the conference, each peer group will have had the opportunity to participate in all five of the topic exchanges listed below:
Audit & Risk Issues
Advised by: Jennifer Burke, Partner, Crowe LLP and Sal Inserra, Partner, Crowe LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What role, if any, should the internal auditing team play in risk management?
- Describe the internal controls your board has in place to monitor risk. Do you feel they
are adequate? - What areas of risk management do you believe your institution could improve upon?
What resources do you need to make those improvements?
Innovation & Technology – Challenges & Opportunities
Advised by: Heather Cozart, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- How do you know if your bank is staying relevant?
- How does your bank handle customer experiences and the customer interface?
- What is your bank doing to improve the customer experience through the use of technology?
Organic Growth and M&A Issues
Advised by: Kirk Hovde, Managing Principal & Head of Investment Banking, Hovde Group, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What are the best organic growth opportunities in your market?
- How are you approaching these growth opportunities?
- Are you attempting to grow by expanding your existing business lines, or are there new
business ventures that you are considering?
Compensation & Talent Issues
Advised by: Dan Kaufman, Lead Consultant, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- How broadly do you offer incentives at your bank?
- Do you have different programs for executives, producers, tellers, etc.?
- What incentive measures do you use to reward employees?
Legal & Governance Issues
Advised by: Christopher Allen, Partner, Arnold & Porter
Examples of topics discussed include:
- If the CEO of your bank is also chairman of the board, do you have a designated lead
independent director? - If you have a lead independent director, what are the responsibilities and expectations
of that person? - When was the last time the content and structure of your board’s meeting agenda were
reviewed and discussed by the board as a whole? What changes to the agenda resulted?
3:15 PM – 3:55 PM
Breakout Sessions (select one)
For Board Members Only
Breakout I: Seeing Across the Abyss: How to Get Your Bank to the Other Side
Peter Weinstock, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
In light of the regulatory response to the pandemic, financial institutions should take steps to reduce adverse examination consequences. Topics covered in this session include credit administration, risk mitigation, regulatory expectations, loan underwriting, portfolio management, Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) and critical elements of problem loan management. The presenter also reflects on capital, accounting, liquidity, stress testing, earnings, people and examination considerations that every bank must keep top-of-mind.
Breakout II: The Role of The Board
C. Robert Monroe, Partner, Stinson LLP
This presentation focuses on board duties and responsibilities to develop and guide the bank’s affairs, while protecting (i) the bank’s viability and (ii) its shareholders and relevant stakeholders. The presentation allows for group discussion among the attendees. Attendees will leave the presentation with matters to consider as they exercise their director duties.
Breakout III: Compensation Committee Basics
Matt Brei, President, Blanchard Consulting Group
This session reviews the infrastructure of a compensation committee and the best practices surrounding how the committee should interact with executive management and the board. The session covers such items as the committee charter, calendar, composition, expertise needed, meeting agendas, how the compensation committee role has changed over time and also briefly dives into how COVID-19 has impacted the committee and compensation practices. Additionally, this session covers incentive plans from the committee’s risk review perspective regarding goals, discretion, clawbacks and pay vs. performance alignment in incentive plans.
4:05 PM – 4:45 PM
Exclusive CEO, Chair & Lead Director Peer Exchange: Session IV
CEOs, chairs and lead directors attend the fourth round of peer exchange sessions facilitated by industry leaders. By the end of the conference, each peer group will have had the opportunity to participate in all five of the topic exchanges listed below:
Legal & Governance Issues
Advised by: Christopher Allen, Partner, Arnold & Porter
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Overall, how would you rate the performance of your bank’s board – high, medium or low? And why?
- Does the board evaluate its performance on an annual basis? Are individual directors evaluated?
If so, what tool or process is used for this? - How do you address board members who are not carrying their weight in fulfilling their
responsibilities as directors?
Audit & Risk Issues
Advised by: Jennifer Burke, Partner, Crowe LLP and Sal Inserra, Partner, Crowe LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What is the role of the audit committee in overseeing risk if the board also has a
risk committee? - Where do committee members get information to stay on top of hot topics, and do you feel
you get adequate information on hot topics from management? - How does your bank’s risk committee participate in examinations, including entrance and
exit interviews?
Innovation & Technology – Challenges & Opportunities
Advised by: Heather Cozart, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What advice would you give to a fintech if they wanted to work with your bank? Who should
they approach at your bank? How long is your bank’s approval process? - Does it go to the board?
- What technologies do you find most interesting to consider at your bank?
Organic Growth and M&A Issues
Advised by: Kirk Hovde, Managing Principal & Head of Investment Banking, Hovde Group, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Has size or scale become a more important consideration for your bank, and if so, why?
- How do you source potential acquisitions, and what are your evaluation criteria? Is this
process driven by the CEO? How does the board become involved? - Do you rely on investment bankers to bring you deals?
Compensation & Talent Issues
Advised by: Dan Kaufman, Lead Consultant, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Do you have challenges attracting or retaining certain (“hot”) roles at your bank?
- What are the most challenging roles for you to attract and retain?
- How is your bank finding and recruiting the next generation of talent?
4:05 PM – 4:45 PM
Breakout Sessions (select one)
For Board Members Only
Breakout I: Unlock and Inspire a Team that Spans 4 Generations
Flynt Gallagher, President, Newcleus Compensation Advisors
Generational differences go beyond the Beatles vs One Direction, and Cheers vs The Office, they define what we value and what inspires us. Recognizing the differences in generational preferences can enhance your ability to create an engaged workforce. Understanding what inspires your employees based on their generation gives you the insight to create compensation plans that will attract, retain and motivate them. Join this session to explore the different ways each generation communicates, problem solves and makes decisions to understand how to capitalize on each of their styles. This insight allows you to customize your compensation plans and get the most from every dollar you spend. Inspired ordinary people, do extraordinary things.
Breakout II: Solving Pay Equity Issues at Financial Institutions
Christie Summervill, CEO, BalancedComp, LLC.
Pay equity remains a hot topic as reports of gender and minority pay gaps across the country have caught the attention of state and local government investigators, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the media, shareholder activists, the C-suite and class-action attorneys. Many companies are choosing to proactively conduct pay audits to try to identify and remedy pay disparities. In some jurisdictions carrying out such a self-audit before a lawsuit is filed will provide a complete defense to a pay equity lawsuit under state law. This session brings rarely found empirical industry data on gender and minority pay gaps from within the banking industry. This data is broken up by asset size, by job classification, by performance levels and specific jobs.
Breakout III: How To Value Your Bank
Jeff Davis, Managing Director, Mercer Capital
Andrew Gibbs, Senior Vice President, Mercer Capital
Do you know how much your bank is worth? Do you know what factors go into creating a bank’s valuation? Learn how to value and what matters during this informative session.
4:45 PM – 5:45 PM
Networking Peer & Guest Reception
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Day Two Opening Remarks: This Should Be On Your Board’s Next Agenda
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director
Keeping a business relevant – and viable – as we head towards 2022 should top the shortlist of any board’s agenda. To help boards prepare for their next meeting, Bank Director’s CEO unpacks emerging issues that may become high-priority, short-term goals.
8:15 AM – 8:45 AM
Red Flags for Regulators
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Thomas Herslebs, Assistant Deputy Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Dennis Hild, Regulatory Affairs Managing Director, Crowe LLP
As the 2021 banking regulatory landscape continues with much complexity and uncertainty, 2022 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for financial institutions to better understand where to expect increased regulatory scrutiny. This session provides an update on the top five issues that examiners commonly focus on when they are looking for deficiencies during the examination and includes a discussion around red flags for: (1) Credit administration and loan portfolio management, (2) Cybersecurity risk management, (3) BSA/AML compliance programs, (4) Consumer compliance and fair lending, and (5) fintech partnerships and digital strategies.
8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
Build On Your Bank’s Strengths
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director
Benjamin Wallace, CEO, Summit Technology Group
When modernizing one’s business, the tendency to look at what’s not working can drive decision making. However, many successful banks build to their strengths. In this session, we explore how community banks might better leverage their technical skills and business experiences.
9:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Liquidity on Bank’s Balance Sheets
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Steve Goldberg, Principal, BCC-USA
Jordan Wycoff, Principal, BCC-USA
Liquidity on bank’s balance sheets have continued to build while borrowings have declined causing cash and securities portfolios to increase, putting pressure on the bank’s earnings. This session will address the current marketplace for various liquidity strategies, including alternative investments available to banks.
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM
Refreshment Break
10:00 AM – 10:40 AM
Breakout Sessions
For Board Members Only
Breakout I: Board Performance & Evaluations
Emily McCormick, Vice President of Research, Bank Director
Jackie Wall, Vice President, Bank Director
In this session, new directors learn about the basics related to overall board performance and evaluation of the board.
Breakout II: CEO Succession
Scott Petty, Managing Partner, Chartwell Partners
This last year has taught us to expect the unexpected. And for boards, one of those lessons means being prepared for the CEO to leave the helm. Is your bank ready with a succession plan in place? And if not, what do you need to do right now to be ready?
Breakout III: 5 Risks All Boards Need to Understand
Michael Davis, Member, Assurance Services, Financial Institutions, KraftCPAs PLLC
What are the five key risks banks and their board members face in the current environment? Federal support programs helped to cushion the nation’s economy and reduce the effects of the pandemic on the banking industry, but close monitoring of key risks remains essential.
10:00 AM – 10:40 AM
Exclusive CEO, Chair & Lead Director Peer Exchange: Session V
CEOs, chairs and lead directors attend the final round of peer exchange sessions facilitated by industry leaders.
Compensation & Talent Issues
Advised by: Dan Kaufman, Lead Consultant, Meridian Compensation Partners, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Which committee has oversight for board compensation?
- How often do you benchmark board pay?
- How is your bank finding and recruiting the next generation of talent?
Legal & Governance Issues
Advised by: Christopher Allen, Partner, Arnold & Porter
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Overall, how would you rate the performance of your bank’s board – high, medium or low?
And why? - Does the board evaluate its performance on an annual basis? Are individual directors
evaluated? If so, what tool or process is used for this?
Audit & Risk Issues
Advised by: Jennifer Burke, Partner, Crowe LLP and Sal Inserra, Partner, Crowe LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Are risk tolerance strategies reviewed annually or in advance of an examination with
bank regulators? - What role should the audit committee/risk committee play in setting the risk appetite
for the institution? - What role should risk governance play in strategic planning?
Innovation & Technology – Challenges & Opportunities
Advised by: Heather Cozart, Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Examples of topics discussed include:
- Who do you primarily rely upon to stay informed about technology trends related to the
financial services industry? - Do you feel that your board has a sufficient level of expertise regarding technology?
Organic Growth and M&A Issues
Advised by: Kirk Hovde, Managing Principal & Head of Investment Banking, Hovde Group, LLC
Examples of topics discussed include:
- What is your view on bank valuations in your market, and how is that likely to impact your
behavior as a potential buyer or seller? - Have you discussed a possible acquisition with your primary regulator? If so, what was
their reaction?
10:50 AM – 11:20 AM
Independent Chairs Speak Out
For CEOs, Chairs, Lead Directors and Board Members
Christopher Adams, Chair of the Board, Coastal Community Bank
Glendell Jones, Jr., Chair of the Board, Southern Bancorp, Inc.
Susan Rector, Chair of the Board, Peoples Bancorp Inc.
Moderated by: Naomi Snyder, Editor, Bank Director
As the head of the board of directors, a bank’s independent chair or lead director has an important role to play. While not taking an active role in everyday management, he or she sets the board’s agenda. With this in mind, we invite the perspectives of three leading bank chairs to discuss how they handle governance and the bank’s challenges.