Wednesday | October 1
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Welcome Reception
Join us at the Orchid Lawn to mix and mingle with attendees and their guests during this exclusive CEO retreat.
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Welcome Dinner
After the reception, we invite attendees and their guests to join us for dinner at the Orchid Lawn.
Thursday | October 2
7:15 AM – 8:00 AM
Attendee & Guest Breakfast
Before our sessions and conversations, attendees and guests join us for breakfast in the Canyon Suites Patio.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
Michelle King, President, Bank Director
Laura Schield, Chief Operating Officer, Bank Director
Bank Director welcomes all participants and coordinates introductions of all bankers involved in the Exchange. We review the schedule and then tee up our time together.
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Refreshment Break
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Peer Conversations – Governance
Jim McAlpin, Board Member, Bank Director
Jim moderates a group discussion based on board performance, board governance and process, covering topics such as:
Board Performance
- Overall, how would you rate the engagement of your bank’s board — high, medium or low?
- What qualities and skills would you seek if your board were recruiting a new member today?
- What functional or industry knowledge would be helpful to have on your board?
- Are there other backgrounds or expertise you’d be seeking?
- How do you ensure that board members are engaged? Are there mechanisms in place to address underperformance?
- Does the board evaluate its performance on an annual basis? Are individual directors evaluated? If so, what tool or process is used for this, and who manages this process?
- How do you address board members who are not carrying their weight in fulfilling their responsibilities as directors?
- Have you replaced an underperforming/disengaged board member? If so, what process was used?
- What is your board’s expectation for individual directors in promoting and bringing business to the bank? How is the expectation communicated, and does work?
- If your shareholder base includes institutional investors, what impact has that had on board performance?
Board Governance and Process
How much do you rely on board committees versus the whole board for decisions regarding:
Board member compensation
Director nominations
Other matters
How do you ensure independence — in terms of deliberations and decision-making — is valued in the boardroom? Do you believe your governance structure (splitting or combining the chair/CEO roles or having a lead director) helps or hinders these efforts?
When was the last time the content and structure of your board’s meeting agenda were reviewed and discussed by the board? What changes to the agenda resulted?
What board-level governance practices do you believe contribute directly to preserving economic value at your bank?
What is the board’s role in shareholder engagement?
Regulatory Matters
What is your board’s level of involvement in the bank’s regulatory relationship? Do any board members attend management entrance and exit meetings?
How does the board incorporate regulatory compliance into the institution’s business model?
How does the board monitor management’s progress in responding to regulatory changes?
What is the board’s strategy for managing your bank’s relationship with its primary regulator?
Has the relationship improved in recent years?
If there are areas of tension or disagreement, how have they been addressed?
What solutions have you developed to address regulatory criticism of risk management and compliance?
How does the board help set the “tone at the top?”
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Refreshment Break
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Peer Conversations – Growth Strategies
Topics like these are discussed during this moderated conversation:
- What type of shareholder base do you have, and how does that influence those discussions?
- Has size and/or scale become more important considerations for your bank, and if so, why?
- What are the best organic growth opportunities in your market?
- How do you handle non-bank competition? Does it factor into your overall strategy?
- From a competitive sense, what do you see as the biggest threat to your bank?
- How is your bank positioning itself to respond/prepare?
- What part of the due diligence process needs more time and attention?
- Regarding working with vendors: What security issues concern you the most?
- What compliance issues do you face as you consider new relationships?
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Networking Lunch
Attendees continue off-the-record conversations over lunch in the Canyon Suites Patio.
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Peer Conversations – Capital Allocation Considerations
Topics, such as the following, are discussed during this moderated conversation:
- What are your guiding principles when making capital allocation decisions?
- How do you establish a target hurdle rate on a given decision?
- How do you measure if you are meeting or exceeding a targeted hurdle rate?
- Does your target hurdle rate vary depending on the capital allocation you are making?
- How much does the durability of return (across various future interest rate scenarios) impact your decision-making process?
- How important is the sustainability of return?
- Efficiency is a core driver of return and valuation. What is more critical: efficiency ratio or net overhead?
- Do you have concerns about access to capital if credit provisioning increases?
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM – 2:45 PM
Peer Conversations – Making Technology Work
Topics like these are discussed during this moderated conversation:
- How is your digital strategy aligned with the bank’s overall strategy?
- How important is the adoption/deployment of new technology to your bank’s growth goals?
- What technology do you think is essential to drive future growth?
- Are you leveraging digital platforms to expand outside your bank’s physical footprint?
- Has your bank increased its technology budget recently? Why or why not?
- Are you concerned about rising technology costs?
- Do you believe your bank allocates sufficient resources — including staffing — to technology?
- Do you have a high-level strategy person in IT or a team that focuses on keeping the lights on?
- Do you have or have you considered an accelerator or an incubator? Are you part of a fintech consortium? Are you investing in fintech companies?
- How many technology partners/vendors are you working with today?
- Which companies are your most vital partners?
- Is there a technology that shows the most promise for the industry or your bank?
- Who is responsible for innovation at your bank? How do you promote innovation within your bank’s culture?
- Who do you primarily rely on to stay informed about technology trends related to the financial services industry?
2:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Michelle King, President, Bank Director
Laura Schield, Chief Operating Officer, Bank Director
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Let’s Play Pickleball
Attendees and guests enjoy the afternoon playing pickleball – and if you don’t know how to play, this is a perfect time to learn, as there will be an instructor onsite. If you are not into playing, join us for margaritas with chips and salsa!
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Networking Dinner
Attendees and their guests are invited to stay for dinner in the Sunset Private Dining Room at the J&G Steakhouse.
Friday | October 3
7:15 AM – 8:00 AM
Attendees and guests join us for breakfast in the Canyon Suites Patio before we begin our second day of sessions and conversations.
8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Peer Conversations – Talent & Culture
Laura Schield, Chief Operating Officer, Bank Director
Laura moderates a peer discussion with the group, focusing on succession planning, talent acquisition, retention and development, senior management and leadership compensation, and board compensation.
What is your organization’s most remarkable talent and compensation challenge? How are your board and management team addressing these issues?
Succession Planning
How formal is your succession plan, and what are the pitfalls you’ve encountered?
Do you have a written emergency succession plan in place in the event of a sudden departure of your CEO or another critical role on the senior team?
What is the expected role of the board in such circumstances?
What percentage of your senior management team will retire in the next five or so years?
Do you have a workable succession plan for all C-suite leaders, the CEO, or neither?
Is your confidence high, medium or low that your plan will work?
Are there any key roles that cannot be filled by talent inside your bank?
What attributes are you seeking in your next CEO and/or executive team?
Have you incorporated diversity efforts into your succession planning?
Talent Acquisition, Retention and Development
Is there a serious focus on attracting, retaining and developing young talent in your organization?
How is your bank finding and recruiting the next generation of talent?
How is your bank developing young people with management potential?
What are you doing to incent and excite young talent?
Have you had to raise pay levels dramatically for specific jobs, and if so, which ones?
Bank leaders need help attracting talent in critical areas like commercial lending or technology. Are you trying to develop internal candidates specifically for those roles? How?
Are you looking outside the industry to fill specific roles?
Do you have a leadership development program? If so, what does it entail?
How does your board interact with high-potential employees?
Does your bank have a formal approach to diversity, equity and inclusion?
Is there anything your bank has done that would be helpful to share with the group regarding best practices related to talent acquisition, retention or succession planning?
Senior Management and Leadership Compensation
Do you worry about losing your CEO/senior executives to a competitor if your compensation is not competitive?
Given the economic environment, do you anticipate needing to adjust your executive incentive plans?
What, if any, comparative data do you use to guide compensation decisions at the executive level?
What about those below the senior leadership team?
Which survey sources or data sources do you find most helpful?
How have you structured your short-term incentive plans, and what form of compensation do you use?
What metrics and qualitative factors have you built into your short-term and long-term plans?
How do you use discretion as part of your incentive programs?
What specific performance metrics is your bank using in its incentive plans for:
Commercial loan officers
Retail branch employees (Do the metrics differ by position?)
Loan specialists
Senior management (i.e., division heads, CEOs, CFOs, etc.)
What, if any, challenges has your institution experienced in terms of constructing a long-term incentive compensation plan in recent years?
What long-term incentives do you offer your senior executives (options, restricted stock, performance shares, and/or long-term cash)?
Do you use options or restricted stock for employees below the CEO and his or her senior team?
If so, how are those plans structured, and who is eligible?
Does your bank have any clawback provisions?
Board Compensation
Have you raised director pay in the past two or three years? Why?
How are directors at your bank compensated? What compensation components do you use (annual retainer, meeting fees, etc.), and how are they paid (cash, stock, or both)?
Have considerations been made for remote attendance? Is that treated differently?
Are your directors required to hold equity in the bank, and if so, how much?
What market practices information do you use when determining director compensation?
Do the directors at your bank receive any other benefits beyond cash and/or equity compensation?
Has compensation been a barrier to adding board directors? Does your board offer enough to attract directors with the necessary skills, expertise and experience for your bank?
What is your organization’s most significant challenge from a talent and compensation standpoint? How are you and your board addressing these issues?
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM
Refreshment Break
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Peer Conversations – Strategy and M&A
Bill Herrell, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Bank Director
Bill moderates a group discussion based on strategic and M&A matters, covering topics such as:
Strategic Matters
- What are the most significant near-term challenges and opportunities for your bank?
- What significant opportunity or challenge is on the near-term horizon for your bank?
- What about in the next 3 to 5 years?
- Who has the ultimate responsibility for strategy at your bank?
- What is the role of management in setting strategy?
- What is the role of the board in setting strategy?
- How do you use your board to help you and your senior management assess and navigate strategic opportunities and challenges?
- How do you communicate the bank’s strategic direction to shareholders?
- Is that communication effective?
- How important is that?
- How do you view M&A as part of your growth strategy?
- What are the material headwinds for M&A as a strategy?
- How do you evaluate potential talent lift-outs?
- Does your bank have a plan to take advantage of in-market M&A to acquire customers or attract talent?
- How do you source potential acquisitions, and what are your evaluation criteria?
- Does the CEO drive this process? Pros/Cons?
- How does the board become involved? Pros/Cons?
- Do you rely on investment bankers to bring you deals? Pros/Cons?
- What business lines are you looking to expand or new lines to enter?
- Is technology a consideration in M&A, particularly when considering acquisition targets?
- Have you discussed a possible acquisition with your primary regulator? If so, what was their reaction?
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Refreshment Break
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Peer Conversations – Risks
Michelle King, President, Bank Director
Michelle moderates a peer discussion around general risks, IT risks, reputational risks and regulation:
- What are the top three risks your institution is the most concerned about? How are management and the board addressing these issues?
- Do you believe your board’s risk governance structure to be effective?
- Has your board set up a separate risk committee? If so, why did you decide to do this?
- What is the audit committee’s role in overseeing risk if the board also has a risk committee?
- What tools does the risk committee use to manage risk?
- What role should the risk committee play in setting the institution’s risk appetite?
- How is the risk appetite used in the organization?
- Is the risk appetite statement shared with employees below the senior management team?
- Does your bank have a Chief Risk Officer?
- If so, how do they interact with the risk committee?
- If you do not have a CRO, why did you decide not to take that approach? And who on the management team handles risk?
- Who should drive the overall risk management program – the board, management or the regulators?
- What is the minimum level at which the board is immediately notified of perilous risk and impact?
IT Risks
- How frequently does your board review cyber risk and cybersecurity? How are you staying on top of this issue and its impact on your bank?
- Does your bank have an action plan in place for a cyber intrusion?
- How concerned are you about a vendor cyber incident, and how prepared is your bank for such an event?
- When a vendor has a breach, who owns it?
- What should the bank do if customers’ personal data has been compromised?
- Has your bank hired a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? If so, who does that person report to, and how frequently do they interact with the board and audit committee?
- How intrusive, wittingly or unwittingly, have IT risks become in the day-to-day business decisions of the bank?
- Has your bank increased its cybersecurity budget in the last two years, and if so, by what percent? Should the bank be spending more?
- Does the bank rely on the “cloud” for any of its technology functions, and are you more – or less – concerned about the risks?
- What conversations have you had about ransomware?
- Has your board or a committee discussed payments fraud?
- Do you believe your board has the appropriate cybersecurity expertise to oversee this risk?
Reputational Risks
- Open discussion – how do you plan for, address and respond?
- What external resources are utilized?
- What internal resources are utilized?
- Has your executive team been through a tabletop exercise? Has your board?
- What were the lessons learned and changes made due to the exercise?
- What are the top three regulatory compliance challenges affecting the bank?
- Does your bank use technology to manage its compliance burden?
- What staffing and resources are devoted to regulatory compliance? Do you anticipate adding compliance staff in 2025?
- Regarding credit risk, do you see regulatory oversight as a leading or trailing indicator?
- What strategies is your bank implementing for improving the bank/regulator relationship?
- Do regulators review the risk tolerance of the board and management (as articulated in the annual strategic plan)?
12:15 PM
Boxed Lunch for Attendees and Guests
12:15 PM – 4:30 PM
Activities at the Phoenician
Choose one of the following options:
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Play the Phoenician Golf Course
Architect Phil Smith has created an outstanding facility for golf enthusiasts — a cohesive 18-hole course showcasing the unique beauty of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. Everything is in front of the golfer, with no surprise bunkers or blind hazards. Designed to provide a natural rhythm and flow, the course plays to a par 71 and offers four sets of tees, ranging from 4,575 yards from the forward tees to 6,518 yards from the players’ tees. Complementing it are The Phoenician Golf Shop, locker rooms and 19th Hole dining venue.
Spa Treatment of Choice – Massage or Facial
The Phoenician Spa celebrates the individual spirit, nurturing and contemporary in its approach to iconic service, relaxation and overall well-being. At its essence is a collection of exclusive offerings that are transformative in nature, affecting peace, purity, and strength well beyond the spa experience.
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Networking Reception
After returning from the afternoon’s activities and having time to refresh, we gather attendees and guests at the Tavern Roundhouse for heavy appetizers and cocktails.