9:00 AM – 9:20 AM CST
Welcome: Setting the Stage
Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director and FinXTech
David Koscheski, Director, US Financial Services Industry, Microsoft
Derik Sutton, Vice President Product & Experience, Autobooks
To kick off the day’s sessions, we outline the opportunities available to participants to explore and connect on new ideas, strategies and initiatives to grow their companies.

9:20 AM – 9:45 AM CST
Enabling Partnerships to Help Community Banks Thrive
Chris Cox, Chief Operating Officer, Apiture
Financial technology is impacting the industry by changing consumer behavior and creating new business models. It’s now more important than ever to ensure that the fintech partnerships you have today are enabling your bank for their future. In this session, Apiture COO, Chris Cox, reviews the key indicators of good fintech partners and how banks should think about their vendor relationships in a fully digital age.

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM CST

10:15 AM – 10:35 AM CST
Integration That Worked
Neil Kahrim, Director of Growth & Operations, OakNorth
Emily McCormick, Vice President of Research, Bank Director
Once a bank decides to integrate a new technology or work with a fintech, what are the next steps? What issues need to be considered and addressed prior to integration? What are things to keep in mind as the bank works together with the fintech – cost, culture, talent and timing? During this session, we hear from a bank leader who has had a successful integration.

10:45 AM – 11:30 AM
Peer Collaboration Exercise
What technologies allow a bank to grow their business? Is it through a partnership model or by providing a solution to allow the bank to better service the needs of their clients and expand their market share? How can a bank unleash the true potential of fintech companies – and in return, how do technology companies expand their distribution? During this session, attendees meet in predetermined small groups to discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead as fintechs and banks work to integrate new products and innovations. Peer Collaboration is exclusive to bankers and a limited number of representatives from sponsoring companies only. Attendees must be registered by October 13 to participate in this session.

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CST

12:30 PM – 1:00 PM CST
Quontic Bank: How to Adapt Banking Culture to Enable Fast Transformation
Raj Patel, COO & Co-Founder, MANTL
Patrick Sells, Chief Innovation Officer, Quontic Bank
In mid-2018, Quontic Bank faced pressure from the OCC to increase core deposits. To rapidly scale deposit operations, Quontic has reinvented itself as a mission-driven digital bank. Along the way, they have transformed their internal culture to embrace change and focus on “progress over perfection.”

As a CDFI, Quontic is also committed to using technology to reimagine how banks can serve their communities, especially those affected by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Learn how Quontic is leveraging technology to grow customer relationships, streamline operations and realize cost savings online and at its physical branch.

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM CST
BankFirst: Increasing Customer Engagement and Driving Revenue Growth Through the Clarity of Customer Data
Leon Manning, Director of Marketing, BankFirst
Joe Mearn, Director of Product, Saylent Technologies
Russ Prettitore, Chief Revenue Officer, Saylent Technologies
In 2018, BankFirst was looking for a solution to get through the noise of their customer data and gain clarity on where to focus to best maximize their returns. Hear how they partnered with Saylent, using Saylent Engage, to analyze their portfolio to better understand their customers, leading to unique revenue-driving opportunities and more profitable relationships.

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM CST

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM CST
Demonstration Sessions
Adam Figueira, Vice President of Marketing, LendingFront
Scott Magruder
, Regional Account Manager, Velocity Solutions, LLC
Randy Piatt, Senior Director of Product Solutions, OnDot Systems, Inc.
Jorge Sun, CEO & Co-Founder, LendingFront
Moderated by: Al Dominick, CEO, Bank Director and FinXTech
Participants hear from three technology companies as they provide a demonstration of their product or service and explain how banks can best use their product or service. After all three demos, participants have a chance to ask questions of the fintech providers.