Profit outlook for 2013: Still hobbled
Size and location will matter
What’s the outlook for community banks for the next few years? Well, not so great. That’s the view of about 30 investment bankers, equity analysts and consultants surveyed by Atlanta attorneys Jim McAlpin and Walt Moeling of Bryan Cave recently.
McAlpin said he was struck by how similar the respondents viewed the future for banking.
Community banks in particular have the worst prospects for profitability, in part because a lot of them relied too heavily on commercial real estate lending. Plus, bigger banks have more diversified income sources.
“We do have some community banks that are doing very well,’’ said McAlpin. “The challenge has been the significant increase in community banks in large urban areas, where it is more difficult to compete. We believe there is going to be opportunity in suburban and rural areas (instead).”
In fact, the consistent view of the industry analysts was that banks with less than $500 million in assets will have a tough time competing anywhere outside a rural area.
“Size and scale will increasingly matter in the world of community banks,’’ the attorneys wrote in their survey summary.
The expectations for profits are more dismal the smaller the bank. The survey respondents on average expect 2013 returns on assets to be:
- For banks under $500 million in assets: .50 to .85 percent.
- For banks between $500 million and $1 billion in assets: .7 percent to 1 percent.
- For banks between $1 billion and $10 billion: 1 percent to 1.25 percent.
- For banks above $10 billion in assets: 1.25 percent to 1.3 percent.
Industry analysts also expect mergers and acquisition pricing to stay lower for years to come.
“1.5 (times) book will be the new 2.5 (times) book value of a few years ago,” Peyton Green of Sterne Agee wrote in response to the survey.
Nobody expects huge rebounds in earnings and growth, so there’s not much premium buyers will be willing to pay, analysts said.
What was the prediction for pricing in 2013?
- Banks with less than $500 million in assets: lucky to get book value.
- Banks with between $500 million and $1 billion in assets: 1.25 times book.
- Banks with between $ 1 billion and $10 billion in assets: 1.25 times book to 1.5 times book.
Because of the lack of organic growth opportunities in a slow economy, bankers will focus on profitability and cutting expenses, some industry observers said. Core deposits will be significant drivers of value, the attorneys said.
“There will continue to be consolidation but viable communities will always recognize the need for a ‘local’ bank,’” the report said.
For more information, you can read the final report provided by Bryan Cave.