In Search of a New Breed of Chief Risk Officer
Brought to you by Heidrick & Struggles
The price for peace of mind has gone up and nowhere is that more evident than the compensation levels for chief risk officers (CROs). If you are a large or medium-size regional bank looking to hire a new chief risk officer, you should expect to pay up to $1 million in annual compensation and potentially more depending on the size of the institution or the skills and experience needed. Demand for this talent has risen but there is a premium to pay and compensation has in many cases doubled compared to a few years ago.
Why has the price risen so sharply of late? This has become a role that can make or break a bank’s relationship with its board, shareholders and regulators. The CRO has become significantly more active in determining a bank’s strategic direction and the shape of its asset portfolio, as well as continuing to monitor traditional risk functions. The skills sought today in a top CRO are broader than they have been historically, slimming the pool of available talent significantly. Additionally, the career risk for an individual stepping into the CRO role is extremely high, making the roles themselves less attractive. CROs are increasingly blamed for a bank failure and many former CROs are now either out of the market altogether or have changed career paths, moving into consulting or joining a regulator.
This white paper examines the skills and backgrounds needed for a chief risk officer and poses four questions boards should be asking.