Session Presenters

Drew Anderson

Chief Administation Officer

Umpqua Holdings Corp.

Renee Brooks

SEVP, Chief Operating Officer

South State Bank

Mike Daniels

President & CEO

Nicolet National Bank

Ryan Rackley


Cornerstone Advisors

Breakout I: Overcoming the 5 Dysfunctions of a Growing Bank

As a bank grows, complexities naturally result. In this breakout session, bank executives explore challenges that arise during merger considerations, contract negotiations and other strategic growth initiatives. In point/counterpoint fashion, Cornerstone Advisors’ Ryan Rackley tackles the most significant challenges confronting bank executives today and lays the groundwork for growth-minded banks to consider.

Session Sponsor

Session Resources

  • Overcoming the 5 Dysfunctions of a Growing Bank
  • Getting Everyone on Board the Digital Transformation Journey