Bank M&A

The Challenges Facing Bank M&A

The bank mergers and acquisition market has been in a state of suspended animation since the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Based on the results of an email survey of independent directors, CEOs and other senior bank executives that was conducted in October 2011 by Bank Director and Crowe Horwath LLP, the outlook for 2012 might not be much better.

Rick Childs, director in Crowe’s Assurance and Financial Advisory practice, shares his perspective on the challenges facing the M&A market and what can be expected for the future. Video highlights include:

  • Review of the current M&A market
  • Reason for the lack of deal volume
  • How to reduce pricing gaps
  • The future of M&A


Rick Childs


Rick Childs is a partner at Crowe LLP.  He has over 35 years of experience in business valuation, transaction advisory services and accounting for financial services companies.  Mr. Childs is the national practice leader overseeing the delivery of transaction and valuation services to the firm’s financial institutions clientele.  His business valuation experience includes ASC 805 purchase price allocations including a focus on loan valuations, ASC 350 goodwill impairment testing and valuation of customer relationship intangible assets, including core deposit intangibles.


Mr. Childs is a frequent presenter for both national and state professional organizations including the SNL Financial, Bank Director, AICPA and Financial Managers Society.  He has published articles on mergers and acquisitions in the ABA’s Commercial InsightsCommunity BankerBank Director and Bank Accounting & Finance.