
Optimizing Bank Portfolios for the Future

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There are a number of reasons bankers may want to diversify their loan portfolios. Diversification can balance out concentrations in the loan book and provide a natural hedge against risk, and it may even add some new fee income opportunities. In this video, Meghan Crawford-Hamlin, president of the bank division at BHG Financial, discusses how strategic partnerships can help banks achieve these goals.

Topics discussed include:

  • Industry Concentrations
  • Fintech Partnerships
  • Credit, Regulatory Risks

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Meghan Crawford

President of Institutional Sales

Meghan Crawford is the president of institutional sales at BHG Financial. Overseeing the sales strategy across bank partnerships and strategic partners, Ms. Crawford leads a national sales team focused on growing premium revenue and enhancing client experience while driving sales strategy and market development. Since joining BHG in 2015, Ms. Crawford has generated and serviced relationships with hundreds of community banks nationwide and managed the sale of hundreds of millions in financing of highly-skilled professionals to institutional buyers.

Within the banking industry, Ms. Crawford serves as a member of various state and national bank associations, including the American Bankers Association and the Independent Community Bankers Association. Ms. Crawford sits on the board of directors for Pathfinder Bank and Risk Management Solutions Group.